Monday, December 3, 2018

German Beauty Trend Comes in to Steal K-Beauty's Crown

 While K-Beauty and J-Beauty have risen to stardom, other regionally-associated trends and brands have started to take notice. Specifically, G-Beauty is here to bring science, innovation, sustainability and heritage into the spa, beauty and wellness industries.

Step aside K-Beauty and J-Beauty, because G-Beauty, or German Beauty, is here to make some waves in the spa and beauty industries. This new region-associated trend plans to bring innovation, precision, sustaina­bility and heritage to the spa, beauty and wellness industries. German skin care has deep roots in its heritage, treating spa days and skin care as a necessity rather than a luxury. To understand what this means moving forward, Skin Inc. talked with Michael Schummert, CEO of BABOR, about the difference German heritage could make in the industry.

Skin Inc. (SI): K-Beauty is about taking as many steps necessary to keep the skin looking hydrated and clear, while J-Beauty is all about simple formulations. So what is G-Beauty all about in terms of skin care?
Michael Schummert (MS): German beauty is all about craftsma­nship, science, performance and quality. Our products and formulations are results-driven and highly efficient; think maximum results with minimum steps. Additionally, and in true German form, G-Beauty is about trustwor­thiness. We never promise too much. We produce products with the highest quality ingredients that deliver results; we keep our promises.

SI: What types of skin care products would G-Beauty be very well known for?
MS: The beauty ampoule is one of the most iconic products to come out of Germany; a true German masterpiece. These 2ml vials contain the exact single dosage of innovative ingredients that when applied,­deliver immediate results.
As with all German skin care, our formulations are precisely coordinated to fit certain skin needs. After a professional skin analysis, you can expect tailor made results that boost your individual beauty. It is important to note that our spa heritage plays a powerful role here; our highly trained estheticians can make the most of our highly effective products. Their knowledge of the skin and of application techniques showcase our philosophy of craftsmanship and truly enhance the product’s performance.

SI:  Can you expand more on the heritage behind Germany and skin care? What defines G-Beauty and makes it stand out from other forms of beauty? 
MS: When it comes to German heritage, we strongly believe in efficiency and performance. We are famous for our pioneering scientists and keen thinkers like Kepler, Einstein or Gauss; it is no wonder that we believe in scientif­ically proven results when it comes to our skin. Healthy skin and natural beauty are a strong part of German heritage; in fact, the roots of natural cosmetics lie in Germany. After years of extensive research in natural ingredients, an era began in the the late 18th century where the people of Germany turned towards nature for inspiration and well-being. It was then that they discovered the healing powers of herbs and began using those findings in their skin care products.

SI: What does G-Beauty hold for the future of skin care?
MS: Made in Germany is a seal of excellence when it comes to science, technology and manufact­uring. In the years to come, German skin care will offer even more precision, quality
and performance to their products. Based on the innovative natural ingredients that Germany is famous for, we will continue to deliver the most innovative, results-driven products on the market. “NatureC­euticals” is the buzzword here and you can expect exciting solutions from G-Beauty on this major trend.

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