Monday, December 3, 2018

Best ingredient for winter skin

 How is it December already? I know I say this every year, but I feel like fall lasts only a hot second before winter is at my doorstep. Do you feel like this too? Don’t worry, we are in this together.

 I amdedicated to getting you ready for the approaching season. Winter technically starts Dec. 21, 2018, so we’ve got a little time, but adjustments to yourskin care routine  need to take place before then.

Specific to skin care, winter is a season where the humidity outside drops and moisture evaporates more readily from the skin. Skin can feel dry, tight and sometimes flaky. I always hear this complaint from my clients and  experience it myself
We need to keep moisture in the skin, and one way to do that is with hyaluronic acid, a miracle ingredient. Not only is hyaluronic a great ingredient to keep skin hydrated, but it also helps improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Of course, when a client comes in with what they perceive to be dry skin, it is important for me to ask questions and conduct a thorough analysis to determine if the cause might be dehydration. I Then determine if a client’s skin is dry or dehydrated and how to treat it.
If a client’s skin is dry, red and itchy but also presents a scale-like build-up, they may have psoriasis. This skin condition, is known to flare-up with temperature extremes, and it is important to recognize the signs to not only avoid making the condition worse but to also refer that client to their doctor.
As winter approaches, we not only have to get ready for more soothing, moisturizing skin care, but we have to get ready for the holidays.

I eat skincare. Wait, that didn’t come out right. I mean skin food , food for my skin, like bone broth, gelatin and naturally-derived vitamin C. When it comes to supporting collagen production and skin elasticity, there’s no better approach than nourishing skin from within.
That’s because collagen – despite how often it’s used in formulas to make them more marketable – can’t be absorbed via topical application. Collagen molecules are too large to penetrate the outer layer of skin, but you can provide your body with the basic building blocks to optimize it’s own production through food.
That’s not to say that topical applications can’t do amazing things for your skin. Hyaluronic acid, for example, is what makes babies skin look so dewy and plump. Our skin makes less of it over time, but we can apply it topically to provide intense hydration.

What is hyaluronic acid?

While collagen and elastin are the main proteins that provide structural support for our skin, hyaluronic acid is like a gel-cushion that holds in moisture. This naturally occurring polysaccharide has the ability to absorb up to 1,000 times it’s weight in water, and when applied topically it can help skin hold in moisture and feel more supple. (source)

High molecular weight hyaluronic acid is also considered helpful for reducing inflammation and supporting tissue repair. (source 1, source 2)

Moisture "Wakes-up" Skin Cells and Reverses Skin "Aging"
Science has discovered that without enough moisture, your skin cells go to "sleep. "
And when they do, they stop producing moisture. They stop building and Refresh skin-toning collagen and elastin. They don’t replenish your epidermis to keep it looking young, smooth and soft.
But scientists have discovered if you rehydrate skin cells, they ‘wake-up’.  
Once awake, they fill-in wrinkles as they build more collagen and they replace dry skin with soft and supple skin.  
Now, to stay awake these cells need a constant supply of moisture… or they’ll fall back "asleep."
For years, there’s been no long-term solution to smooth the skin.

  1. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles as it plumps skin and wakes up your cells to create new, young cells and skin-firming collagen.
  2. It increases skin hydration and cell function for nutrient absorption.
high molecule Moisture Delivery System firmed away wrinkles and activated your skin cells to act young again,
Right away, This formula's moisture delivery technology will begin to fill in the wrinkles as this special formula begins to rejuvenate your skin.  

So, now you’ve got your tools, you’ve got your trends and you’ve got your tenderness. Bring it, Jack Frost, we’re ready!

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