Monday, August 29, 2016

What Causes Dandruff?

Most of us have had it or noticed dandruff sometime or the other. Those small white flakes you see on your shoulders or the shoulders of someone else. Learn what it is and how to prevent it.

Most of us have had it or noticed dandruff sometime or the other. Those small white flakes you see on your shoulders or the shoulders of someone else. Dandruff is the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. As skin cells die a small amount of flaking is normal, some people, however, experience an unusually large amount of flaking either chronically or as a result of certain triggers.

What Causes Dandruff?

Dandruff is caused by a combination of three natural triggers:

1) A fungus that lives on everyone’s scalp,
Generally, it will cause no problems at all. However, it can grow out of control. It feeds on the oils our hair follicles secrete. When this happens, the scalp can become irritated and produce extra skin cells. These extra skin cells die and falloff; they mix with the oil from the hair and scalp, and turn into what we see as dandruff.

2) The presence of scalp oils (which we all have), and
3) One’s exposure to the condition, it can be transmitted through contact.

How to Prevent Dandruff?

Dandruff is a common scalp disorder affecting scores of people at the post-pubertal age. It often causes itching. The severity of dandruff may fluctuate with season as it often worsens in winter. Most cases of dandruff can be easily treated with specialized shampoos. Head & Shoulders shampoo is a leading anti-dandruff shampoo because it has these 7 benefits!

Anti-dandruff hair care products include ingredients such as zinc pyrithione, considered by dermatologists as effective anti-dandruff treatments. It is especially important for victims of the condition to shampoo their hair frequently to keep scalp oils from accumulating on the scalp and aggravating the condition of dandruff. If anti-dandruff shampoos do not work, you could also check out a few home remedies for dandruff here.

Treatments for dandruff

Two factors should be considered when you treat dandruff:
  1. Your age
  2. The severity of your dandruff.
Your aim will be to stop the dandruff by slowing down the reproduction of skin cells, or counteract the yeast production that might be the cause.

Shampoos and scalp preparations

Shampoos and products for the scalp are available OTC (over-the-counter, no prescription needed) at most stores and pharmacies. It is important to remember that seborrheic dermatitis can be controlled, but not cured with these products.
Before using an anti-fungal shampoo see if you can remove any scaly or crusty patches on your scalp - do this with care. If you manage to remove them, the shampoo will be more effective.
If you have dandruff on your beard, you can use dandruff shampoo on it.
Most anti-dandruff or anti-fungal shampoos contain at least one of the following active ingredients:
  • Zinc pyrithione - an ingredient which slows down the production of yeast
  • Selenium sulphide - this reduces the production of natural oils your scalp glands produce
  • Coal tar - this has a natural anti-fungal agent. If your hair is dyed or treated remember that long-term coal tar usage can stain the hair
  • Ketoconazole - a very effective anti-fungal. Most people who use this are pleased with the results. Experts say shampoos with this ingredient can be used with young and elderly people
  • Salicylic acids - these help your scalp get rid of skin cells. They do not slowdown the reproduction of skin cells. Many "scalp scrubs" contain salicylic acids. Some people find salicylic acid treatments leave their scalps dry and eventually make the flaking of the skin worse
  • Tea-tree oil - This oil comes from the Australian Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia). A growing number of shampoos now include tea-tree oil as one of its ingredients. It has been used for centuries as an anti-fungal, antibiotic, and an antiseptic. However, some people are allergic to it
  • Green Tea potential - Researchers from the Medical College of Georgia, USA, found that green tea may have potential for the treatment of dandruff and psoriasis.
Ideally, select a shampoo that has one of the above ingredients and shampoo your hair with it every day until your dandruff is under control. When that happens, use them less frequently. You may find a particular shampoo stops being so effective after a while, if this occurs switch to one that has another ingredient.
Make sure the shampoo has time to stay on your scalp before you rinse it off - perhaps about five minutes. If you rinse it off too quickly, the ingredient will not have enough time to work.
If after several weeks of treating yourself you still have dandruff, you should consider seeing your doctor or a dermatologist (skin specialist).

Possible complications of dandruff

A person with dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis will hardly ever experience complications. If one were to occur, it would more likely be caused by one of the dandruff treatments. If you find one of your dandruff shampoos or scalp treatments is causing irritation, stop using it and ask your pharmacist to suggest another one.
Bacteria can get in under your skin if there is a break on the skin of the scalp. If this happens, and you feel unwell, or that area of skin is red, tender and swollen, go and see your doctor.


While dandruff can be a rather embarrassing and confidence-lowering condition, it isn’t very serious in most cases. Which is why, you should only consider shelling out money at a salon once you’ve tried curing it at home, and with ingredients you may already have in your kitchen.

Dandruff, also called Seborrhoea, targets the scalps of many people, young and old. What’s more, it leads to other skin issues like pimples and acne. Before we can discuss how to cure dandruff, let’s understand what causes it. Poor hair brushing and shampooing habits, dry skin, stress and improper diets, will make your scalp more prone to dandruff. Now that you’re aware of the causes, it’s time to fight dandruff.

10 Simple Home Remedies For Dandruff Cure:

1. Coconut Oil & Lemon Massage

Coconut oil nourishes your hair, while lemon juice helps to treat dandruff at home without using harmful chemicals. Given below is the easiest dandruff home remedy:

Step 1: Heat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and mix it with equal amounts of lemon juice.
Step 2: Massage your scalp gently with the mixture.
Step 3: Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing if off with shampoo.

2. Fenugreek Pack as a Dandruff Remedy

This home remedy for dandruff uses fenugreek seeds. Follow the instructions below to use fenugreek pack to cure dandruff:

Step 1: Soak some fenugreek or methi seeds in water overnight.
Step 2: Drain the leftover water and mash the softened seeds into a paste.
Step 3: Let the paste sit for about an hour.
Step 4: Rinse it off with a mild shampoo.

3. Curd

Treating dandruff at home with curd is a little messy but very effective. Method for using curd as a home remedy for dandruff is given below:

Step 1: Apply some curd to your hair and scalp.
Step 2: Let it sit tight for about an hour.
Step 3: Rinse it off with a shampoo that’s mild.

4. Baking Soda is a great home remedy for dandruff

Dandruff treatment can be carried out at home with baking soda as well. The remedy to use baking soda for dandruff treatment is given below:

Step 1: Wet your hair slightly.
Step 2: Keeping your hair wet, rub a spoonful of baking soda on your scalp.
Step 3: Leave it on for 60-90 seconds prior to washing it off.

5. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is another way to cure dandruff at home. Follow the instructions given below to treat dandruff at home easily:

Step 1: Pour a few drops of tea tree oil on your scalp and spread it evenly.
Step 2: Let it soak for 5 minutes.
Step 3: Wash it off with a mild shampoo.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar can be used too, to remedy dandruff at home

Treating dandruff and hair fall at home can be a bit tricky. Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for dandruff and hair fall. Learn how to treat dandruff with apple cider vinegar below:

Step 1: Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water and set it aside.
Step 2: After a regular hair wash, apply the mixture on your wet hair.
Step 3: Massage your scalp well and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.

7. Henna or Mehndi

Cure dandruff with this simple henna remedy. Henna softens your hair, while lemon juice works its wonder in dandruff treatment.

Step 1: Mix Henna or Mehndi with tea liquor, curd and a dash of lemon juice.
Step 2: Set this mixture aside for approximately 8 hours.
Step 3: Apply it on your scalp and hair.
Step 4: Leave it on for about 2 hours and then wash off thoroughly.

8. Neem Juice helps cure dandruff at home

Neem has anti-bacterial properties and is an amazing home remedy for dandruff. The method given below is easy and mess-free.

Step 1: Grind a bunch of neem leaves in a food processor to form a thick paste.
Step 2: Apply this paste on your scalp and let it sit for 10 minutes or so.
Step 3: Wash it off with water.

9. Multani Mitti Hair Pack

Multani mitti helps to restore hair health. This simple dandruff remedy using multani mitti gives you soft, silky hair and dandruff-free hair.

Step 1: Make a thick paste using multani mitti, water and a dash of lemon juice.
Step 2: Apply this mixture on your hair and scalp and leave it on for about 20 minutes
Step 3: Rinse it off with water.

10. Orange Peel Pack works well as a homely dandruff treatment

Orange peel is another dandruff remedy that can be tried at home. Read how to use orange peel pack for dandruff removal below:

Step 1: Throw an orange peel in a food processor and squeeze in some lemon juice too.
Step 2: Grind all the ingredients into a paste.
Step 3: Apply this paste on your scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo.
Remember, all these remedies need to be applied at least thrice a week for best results; continue to do so till you see the difference. Aren’t you happy that you’re now empowered to do your own dandruff treatment at home?

Aspirin contains the same active ingredient (salicylic acid) as many medicated dandruff shampoos. Keep flaking in check by crushing two aspirins to a fine powder and adding it to the normal amount of shampoo you use each time you wash your hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for 1-2 minutes, then rinse well and wash again with plain shampoo.


 To treat a bad case of dandruff, wash your hair with your regular shampoo, then rinse with an alcohol-based mouthwash. Follow with your regular conditioner. Mouthwash's anti-fungal properties help prevent dandruff-causing yeast from growing.


 The abrasiveness of ordinary table salt works great for scrubbing out dandruff flakes before you shampoo. Grab a saltshaker and shake some salt onto your dry scalp. Then work it through your hair, giving your scalp a massage. You'll find you've worked out the dry, flaky skin and are ready for a shampoo.


 Garlic's antimicrobial properties are perfect for eliminating dandruff-causing bacteria. Crush garlic and rub it into your scalp. To avoid that potent smell, suggests mixing crushed garlic with honey and massaging into the scalp before washing as usual.

Olive oil

 An overnight olive oil soak is a folk remedy for dandruff. Massage about 10 drops into your scalp and cover with a shower cap overnight. Follow your regular shampoo routine in the morning. For a quicker cure, look for a shampoo that contains olive oil.

As So on This Episode Expiring Food 



Many people don't forget to glance at the expiration date before consuming that yogurt or milk in their fridge.
Many people also immediately throw it away if its even slightly past the expiration date.
"About 40 percent of foods produced in the United States won't be consumed,  tens of millions of pounds of food are wasted each year, much of it because of the date on the package.
"After that 'use by' date, it doesn't mean that the product isn't safe anymore.It just means that the quality of the product is starting to deteriorate.   The trick is to know the difference between the 'use by' and the 'sell by' date; the latter typically only applies to retailers looking out for their own quality assurance. It does not mean,  that you should immediately throw the product out if the date is already past.
 The date that it expires is the date that the product is at its highest quality,
Milk is good for pretty much five to seven days after the 'use by' date, Same thing with yogurt; that's typically good one to two weeks after the 'use by' date  open yogurt containers should be disposed of two weeks after opening.
Experts said food waste has become such a problem, Congress is considering creating a national standard for food labeling, which aims to cut down on the confusion of when a product is safe to eat or when it is not.
While people shouldn't immediately dispose of foods past the package date,   it is important to do a smell test before consuming.
Produce is especially important to keep an eye on.
Once the quality does start to deteriorate you can always freeze your produce If you have some blueberries that seem to be deteriorating, go ahead and throw them in a muffin, bake it."


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