Wednesday, January 20, 2016


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Sales in the cosmetic business are driven by an emotional rather than rational response. In the efforts to find chemical compounds capable of producing fast and impressive results, some over-the-counter cosmetic products may contain detergents that puff up skin's proteins with water, creating temporal swelling of the surface. Others actually contain topical irritants that produce a type of dermal swelling, for instance those used to temporarily mask the appearance of the puckering of cellulite on the thighs. In this ocean of deception it is very difficult to tell truth from fiction. What are some principles that will guide you to reasonable expectations when using topical skin rejuvenation products? Let's review three important tips
Requirements for a truly effective skin product:
1) A truly effective product will take time . Use a cosmetic product at least 2 weeks to really evaluate potential benefits. Remember the best products, many times, will not produce visible improvements until after a few weeks.
2) A truly effective product will get better with time . If after you stop using a product, your skin immediately starts getting worse, you can throw this cosmetic away without any regrets.
3) A truly effective product will contain skin-healthy ingredients . All ingredients contained in the product should be there for a reason. If the list of ingredients contains too many difficult-to-pronounce chemical names, gather your information and research before buying.

White Tea and your skin

Everyone who knows me knows — I'm a coffee drinker, through and through.

I've gotten much better since my younger  days when I used to drink a whole pot just to wake - up,
But I still always start my day with an extra-large black coffee. I just love it!

But there's ANOTHER hot drink I've been adding into my routine lately...

One I've begun recommending to nearly all of my patients, even the hardcore coffee fans:

White tea.

Now, white tea doesn't get as much press as green tea when it comes to health and beauty benefits.

But research is beginning to show that white tea actually has more benefits when it comes to your skin health.

You see, white tea is just young green tea…

And amazingly, it has more collagen- and elastin-protecting properties than any other tea!

It works by actually BLOCKING the enzymes in the skin that naturally break down skin's structural elements.

Specifically, it blocks elastase, an enzyme that literally "chews up" elastin — the protein that keeps skin flexible and firm.

And when elastase starts breaking down elastin, your skin begins to thin, sag, and droop… Not to mention, it quickly loses that soft, plush look and feel it once had.

But white tea reduces elastase by an amazing 89%!

That means regularly drinking white tea could save you from major sagging down the road.

White tea is actually much easier to drink than green tea for many people. It has a milder flavor, and is less likely to upset sensitive stomachs.

Plus, you can find a variety of delicious fruit- or flower-infused white teas at your local health food store to keep it interesting and delicious. I love the peach or pomegranate

And for even better results, here’s a weird trick I tell my clients, and they say it works...

I recommend wiping the tea bag over your skin once it's done steeping, for even stronger protection.

Now, like I said, if you're a big coffee drinker like me, I don't expect you to give it up altogether.

But by adding a cup of white tea into your daily routine — you'll be doing your skin a welcome favor.

Yet another example of a tiny change... that makes a BIG difference!

From Paul the Health Guy


What you eat is as important as exercising regularly,  Here is what's recommends:
VEGETABLES ARE LOW IN CALORIES, HIGH IN NUTRIENTS No matter your fitness or weight goal, you cannot go wrong with lots of vegetables. Vegetables should occupy at least half your plate at meals. They are filling and provide the necessary nutrients to help your muscles recover from a robust workout as well as daily maintenance. Vegetables are a rich source of vitamins A, and C, minerals like selenium, magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium, fiber, antioxidants, and precious phytochemicals. Vegetables have been found to help prevent a host of diseases.
FRUITS ARE A FRIENDLY CARBOHYDRATE With all the publicity about good carbs and bad carbs, fruit often gets pushed out of a diet plan. Fruits provide your body with necessary carbohydrates and are a rich source of vitamins like A, C and folic acid plus minerals like potassium, fiber, antioxidants, and precious phytochemicals. A diet high in fruit has been found to help prevent a host of diseases. Go for the whole fruit. It is more filling, higher in fiber and will keep your calories in check.
CHOOSE A VARIETY OF LEAN PROTEINS Protein is a good source of iron, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, potassium and copper. It is important to select the leanest animal proteins to reduce your intake of saturated fat and cholesterol. Most fish is low in calories and rich in the Omega 3 fatty acids. Salmon, Haddock, Mackerel are higher in fat, but a good source of the Omega 3’s. It is recommended to eat fish at least 2 times per week.and  Egg whites are pure protein.

The dietary guidelines are updated every five years and this set is meant to last until 2020.

—The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Highlights from the new federal dietary guidelines:
Lean meat is OK
As in previous years, the government says lean meat is part of a more healthful diet. Buried deeper in the report, though, is language that suggests teenage boys and adult men should reduce meat and eat more vegetables. Government data show that males from 14 to 70 consume more than recommended amounts of meat, eggs and poultry, while women are more in line with advised amounts.
Cut out the sugary sodas
One new recommendation is that added sugar should be no more than 10 percent of daily calories. That’s about 200 calories a day, around the amount in one 16-ounce sugary drink. The recommendation is part of a larger push to help consumers isolate added sugars from naturally occurring ones like those in fruit and milk. According to the guidelines, sugary drinks comprise 47 percent of the added sugars that Americans drink and eat every day.
Too much salt
New figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show around 90 percent of people eat too much salt. The average person eats 3,400 milligrams of sodium a day, and the guidelines say everyone should lower that to 2,300, or about a teaspoon.
Lowering sodium intake was the major push of the 2010 guidelines, and that document recommended that those most at risk of heart disease, or about half the population, lower their intake to 1,500 milligrams. The new guidelines delete that lower amount as part of the top recommendations. Later on, though, the report says those with high blood pressure and prehypertension could benefit from a steeper reduction.
Cholesterol confusion and eggs
The 2010 guidelines made a key recommendation that Americans consume less than 300 milligrams a day of dietary cholesterol, or about two small eggs. That recommendation is gone, following increasing medical research showing the amount of cholesterol in your bloodstream is more complicated than once thought. Several more recent studies have shown little relationship between heart disease and dietary cholesterol, focusing more on the kinds of fats consumed. Discussion of cholesterol deeper into the document says “individuals should eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible while consuming a healthy eating pattern.”
—Source: Associated Press


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