ake up and smell the roses! Literally. We're saying to opt for roses on your face instead of roses in your vase because they can bring numerous benefits to the skin. More specifically, rose water, a combination of filtered water and rose oil found in the petals, rose hip oil and rose essential oil can provide soothing and anti-inflammatory benefits to the skin. Whether in the form of a cleanser, toner, moisturizer or serum, this ingredient can be equally beneficial to all skin types.
Benefit 1: Antioxidant Powerhouse
This is one of the major benefits that roses and rose water can bring to the skin. We all know that antioxidants are good for the skin, and the ones found in roses are no exception. These particular antioxidants help to strengthen skin cells, which in turn, can help regenerate skin tissues.1 On top of this, the antioxidants in roses work to neutralize free radicals, which can provide anti-aging benefits to the skin as well.Benefit 2: Healing Hydrator
While roses are great for all skin types, it is especially great for dry skin due to its extremely moisturizing properties that can help to soothe itchiness.2 Roses used in the form of an essential oil can also be a great way to moisturize the skin, while protecting it from moisture loss and keeping the moisture barrier strong.3 Even for those who do not suffer from dry skin, the hydration that roses provide can be extremely beneficial, as it helps to balance the hydration in the skin.3Benefit 3: Wrinkle Eraser
Besides being filled with antioxidants, rose water and rose oils are also packed with vitamin A and C, which can help with aging skins. Apart from smoothing the appearance of wrinkles, these vitamins help to reduce the look of age spots on the skin and aid with collagen production.2 While rose essential oil and rose water are both derived from rose petals, rose hip seed oil is actually from the small fruits that appear on the rose plants, which are a natural source of retinol.3Benefit 4: Redness Soother
As previously mentioned, this romantic ingredient has tons of anti-inflammatory benefits, which can help reduce the appearance of redness on the skin. Part of its moisturizing properties also aid in soothing redness and irritation in the skin, as well.2 Back to rose hip oil, apart from being great for anti-aging, the combination of antioxidants and fatty acids in rose hip oil make it beneficial for soothing skin inflammation, including eczema.3Benefit 5: Oil Reducer
When it comes to moisturizing the skin, rose water helps to balance out moisture, meaning it can help to control excess oil production.1 With this ingredient being so deeply hydrating, it increases water content in the skin as opposed to the level of oils; there are also astringent properties in roses that help to lift dirt and oil from the skin to help it maintain its natural pH balance.This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Subscribe to the podcast on iPhone app. http://apple.co/2exloMN OR

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